Friday, December 23, 2011

Eat, Drink, Be Merry & "Light"

To cut calories and a hangover, skip sweet drinks such as  eggnog, with over 400 calories a cup, and 20 grams of sugar.  Order a mixed drink with a clear liquor like vodka and seltzer with a twist of lemon, for a mere 100 calories.  The darker the booze, and the more sugar in the drink, the worse you'll feel the next day.  They contain more congeners, chemicals produced during the fermentation process that case head bangers! 

Choose a small plate and fill it with veggies and lean protein.  Both are more filling than carbohydrates. The fiber and water in the veggies gel up in your stomach, both digest slowly,  moderating blood sugar levels.   Choose shrimp cocktail and you will get an added calorie burn and burst of energy.  Shrimp contains high levels of iodine, which fires up the thyroid, the king of our metabolisms.  

                                       You'll enjoy your party and have no regrets in the morning!

                                                Happy Holidays Everyone! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tired and Stressed already?....

 Two tips to that will have you up and running for another round!

Tip #1.  Try acupressure - when you feel yourself fading, apply firm pressure to the "3-mile point" - named because it gives distance runners and extra 3 miles of energy!  Find the spot in the depression between your shinbone and muscle, about 4 fingers below your kneecap and 1 inch to the outside of your shinbone. Press for one minute on each leg, and hit the treadmill for that workout!

Tip #2.  Stressed?  Pop a piece of gum in your mouth.  Chewing gum can lower stress levels by 16%
and increases focus and concentration - and you'll be ready for the misletoe....